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Profion Cenedlaethol / National Tests

Mae plant ym mlynyddoedd 2 i 9 yn cymryd profion cenedlaethol mewn darllen a rhifedd bob haf. Mae'n bwysig bod eich plentyn yn yr ysgol i gymryd y profion. Os nad yw'r ysgol yn teimlo bod eistedd y profion o fudd i les / gallu eich plentyn fe fydd yr athro/athrawes dosbarth wedi trafod gyda chi fel rhieni/gofalwyr.

Children in Years 2 to 9 take national tests in reading and numeracy each summer. It is really important that your child is in school to take the tests. If the school feel that sitting these assessments will not benefit your child's wellbeing or learning then the class teacher will have discussed this with you as parents /carers.